Forge microblocks 1.7.10 hollow cover
Forge microblocks 1.7.10 hollow cover

In a autocrafting table, the handsaw is : $.renderHighlight(Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer Lnet/minecraft/util/MovingObjectPosition Lcodechicken/microblock/CommonMicroClass II)ZĪt $$anonfun$2.apply(MicroMaterialRegistry.scala:233)Īt $class.find(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:99)Īt .find(List.scala:83)Īt $class.find(TraversableForwarder.scala:43)Īt .find(ListBuffer.scala:45)Īt $.renderHighlight(MicroMaterialRegistry.scala:233)Īt $.renderHighlight(ItemMicroPart.scala:168)Īt $.drawBlockHighlight(MicroblockEventHandler.scala:35)Īt .eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_573_MicroblockEventHandler$_drawBlockHighlight_DrawBlockHighlightEvent.invoke(.dynamic)Īt .(Īt .(Īt .onDrawBlockHighlight(Īt .EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(Īt .EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(Īt .func_71411_J(Īt .func_99999_d(Īt .Main.main(SourceFile:148)Īt 0(Native Method)Īt (Unknown Source)Īt (Unknown Source)Īt .invoke(Unknown Source)Īt .launch(Īt .main(Ī detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:Īll players: 2 total, MCH_ViewEntityDummy].

forge microblocks 1.7.10 hollow cover

  • If you hold "Shift" while in creative and place a micro block, it will consume the micro block.
  • It will become visible again if you exit and log back in.
  • In SMP, if you face a micro block and try to place a Jacketed Wire on it, the micro block will become invisible.
  • Jacketed Wires fed through these blocks can connect to other components outside the micro block without readily apparent openings.
  • To feed a Jacketed Wire through a wall/floor and have it appear out of the side of the wall itself without any apparent holes stack vertically (or horizontally if floor) one of the following pairs of blocks.
  • The Diamond Handsaw may cut the above blocks, plus the following: The Gem Handsaws may cut the above blocks, plus the following: The Iron Handsaw may cut only the following types of blocks:

    forge microblocks 1.7.10 hollow cover

  • Cover ( Cover Corner, Cover Slab, Cover Strip).

  • Forge microblocks 1.7.10 hollow cover